Sunday, January 11, 2009


Where do you turn when…
You absolutely cannot afford to be Hacked, Cracked, Robbed, Impersonated, Phished, Scammed, Spied On, Virus Infected or Otherwise Compromised?

All computer users, at home or in the office, are exposed to more security risks than they can possibly imagine. Unprincipled deadbeats constantly prey on unsuspecting victims.

For Your Own Protection You Need To Know...HOW TO keep your sensitive files away from prying eyes;

HOW TO protect your PC from malicious attacks;
HOW TO keep your online banking, shopping and e-mail safe.
And when you've thrown up the barriers and rid your PC of all the crap, watch it miraculously perform like the day you brought it home, because you will also have learned...
HOW TO Boost your computer's Speed
HOW TO Multiply its Performance
HOW TO Get Rid of Every Single Annoyance That Plagues You Every Day

Thugs, crims and swindlers aren't just lurking in dark alleys any more. Now they're online, and they've become a LOT more sophisticated. They hire very clever but unprincipled technologists to fashion their underhand schemes and "weapons" for them.There is a small, inexpensive, readily available and quite legal device that can be secretly attached to any computer in under 10 seconds, without opening the case. It will record every keystroke that is entered at that computer; from then on?

- Could a visitor set such a trap on your homePC?
- How safe is that public terminal you sometimesuse?
- How at-risk is the PC at your reception desk or front counter? 

And that's just one way. There are many others which require no physical access to your computer at all!
Your address book, customer database, price-list, banking details, credit card numbers, passwords — everything is open to theft, abuse and prying eyes?

How confident are you that someone, somewhere doesn't already have access to your most sensitive documents? Anything the crims can steal from you they will sell to the highest bidder if they can't use it themselves. Couldn't happen to you? Get Real!

These thugs don't go looking for specific individuals. You don't have to be famous, successful or some sort of "known target". They use automated software that constantly scans huge chunks of the Internet looking for ANY unprotected computer that happens to be on-line.

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